The Second International Symposium on Environmental process engineering and technologies, is intended to provide an opportunity for professionals in the fields of environmental engineering to exchange their academic and technical knowledge. Protection of the environment is a topic that must be discussed and considered worldwide.
What if the same environmental technologies are shared among all nations?
How beneficial will it be for further developments in the green-oriented industry?
How have evolved the environmental technologies in the industry during the last years?
The first step to address such questions is offering the chance to hold discussions about environmental technologies, framed on an academic occasion. The symposium is aimed to find a coalition point for international speakers to share their experiences working and researching on environmental technologies in the fields of
Solid Waste, and Waste Water Process Engineering along with Air Quality Control. As a closing appointment, a specialized forum featuring the International speakers will
be conducted to share their perspectives on environmental technologies and the way that they are being applied in every invited country.
Students are also welcomed to contribute and foster the Symposium through the Call for research posters and projects, where they are invited to present their work
in the frame of the event. Further details of the event registration and deadlines could be found in this
informative brochure.